Potential Roles and Duties

BSA AA Committee Chair

  • Serve as a member of the council executive board. 

  • Responsible to the council president for all aspects of BSA AA.

  • Serve as an advocate and spokesperson for BSA AA in the council.

  • Recruit volunteers to fill roles on the BSA AA subcommittees.

Subcommittee on Awards and Recognition

  • Build and enact a promotion plan for all Alumni Awards within the council.

  • Encourage and coach Alumni in the completion of the Alumni Award along with a public recognition of the award.

  • Working with the Alumni Chair and the Council Key 3, determine a selection process for the Council Alumnus of the Year based upon a yearly nomination process.

  • Encourage nominations for the National Alumnus of the Year.

  • Encourage the use of the BSA Service Commemoration.

Add link to Section 7 Awards and Recognitions in the Guide

Subcommittee on Engagement and Events

  • In coordination with the council activities committee, be involved in developing a Scouting alumni component for all council activities where alumni programming would be relevant.

  • Develop Scouting alumni events such as adventures (or family adventures) at local camps, daytime activities such as a geocaching trek, or training courses on modern-day Scouting skills.

  • Plan a calendar of low-commitment events for BSA AA members to attend and network with one another.

Subcommittee on Service Projects

  • Mobilize BSA AA in the council or in districts to help with service projects that fulfill Scouting’s mission.

  • Conduct various additional service projects to showcase Scouting values in the community.

  • Plan and market an annual Scouting Alumni Day of Service.

Subcommittee on Affinity Groups

  • Gather information on other Scouting associations (NESA, Order of the Arrow, camp alumni camp associations, etc.) and their needs. Determine where the BSA AA may augment their efforts.

  • Create avenues for cross promotion between other Scouting associations.

  • Conduct an annual alumni affinity group roundtable where other Scouting associations can provide input and brainstorm ways to work together.

Note: The goal of an affinity group roundtable is to enhance communication, coordination, and cooperation among all the alumni groups within a council. Whenever possible a representative from each alumni group should be a member of the Council BSA Alumni Committee.

Subcommittee on Communications

  • Establish a BSA AA web presence through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, council webpages, and other channels.

  • The BSA AA council website presence should be utilized to promote and offer registration for events and activities, give valuable news and information, and provide a direct link to the https://c10hosts.org/ website.

  • Keep members informed of and interested in council activities; this could include an e-newsletter, emails, direct mail, and social networking opportunities within the re-engaged alumni network. Gather information about Scouting news, both locally and nationally, and share it with alumni, local news organizations, and community blogs.

  • Survey BSA AA members periodically to determine needs and desires as they relate to alumni programming.

Subcommittee on Information Management

  • Retrieve data collected when alumni sign up and keep lists current for future communications around possible engagement opportunities.

  • Regularly conduct data hygiene projects such as adding council awards to individual alumni profiles and updating contact information.

  • Review data security policies.

Subcommittee on Membership

  • Get word out that Scouting is looking for its alumni by developing a grassroots outreach strategy that could include things such as profiling alumni in digital and traditional media, hanging posters, talking to friends, placing links on websites or Facebook pages, and advertising.

  • Engage organizations that are likely to have Scouting alumni in their ranks to join the council in your search for alumni. This could involve approaching civic organizations, local companies, and professional associations—especially those that are chartered organizations.

  • Encourage alumni to join BSA Alumni Association and keep their profile up to date.

Link to Section 7 Membership Levels and Benefits in the Guide

  • Stay in close contact with the event subcommittee chair to ensure that opportunities to participate in activities (often an incentive to sign up) are effectively communicated and synchronized with the overall strategy.

  • Regularly assess the local benefit package for alumni who join.

Subcommittee on Program and Special Initiatives

  • Assist the local and national council with securing presence and support at special events (national jamboree; National Order of the Arrow Conference; and local council events).

  • Manage special projects and initiatives as required.

Subcommittee on Training

  • Promote national and online training opportunities.

  • Train the BSA AA committee on how best to engage alumni at events.

  • Conduct additional trainings for BSA AA committee members.

Link to Section10 Learning Opportunities in the Guide