Like Many US Presidents, Roger Krone (BSA CEO and President), found his Dream Job after Retirement

In a February 23, 2024 article from Harvard Business Review, Jared Cohen and James Citrin describe how many successful presidents, like successful former business leaders, move into a new phase after their presidency. Of note, Roger Krone, CEO of the Boy Scouts of America, was one such successful business leader highlighted in the article this way:

We all have dream jobs. Roger Krone, who became the CEO of The Boy Scouts of America, may offer a corporate analog for what it can mean to finally get there after decades of work and an unusual path. A former Eagle Scout, Krone had been chairman and CEO of Leidos, a $14 billion, 47,000 employee, Fortune 250 government technology company, from 2014 to 2023. He had a stellar track record of success as CEO, tripling the company’s revenues and market capitalization. As a result, he created the possibility to move into a new role with the goal of giving back to an institution that played a formative role in his life. After retiring from Leidos in May 2023, Krone became CEO of The Boy Scouts of America.  

“As a life-long Scout, the opportunity to lead the Scouting movement represents the perfect capstone to a long and fruitful career and a chance to give back,” Krone later said. “The program was a big part of my life and the lives of my children. I want to make sure every child has an opportunity to have that same amazing experience.”

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