2024 Territories (7, 8, 14, 15, 16) Alumnus of the Year : Bill Litton

Bill Litton, hailing from St. Cloud, Florida, is the 2024 honoree for Territories 7, 8, 14, 15, and 16. Bill became an Eagle Scout in the Central Florida Council in 1989 and still active there at his home, Bill currently serves as the Council Alumni & NESA Chairman. At the 2017 and 2023 National Scout Jamborees, Bill has led efforts of the Emergency Management Teams and notably, he co-founded and co-chairs the Emergency Management Affinity Group. He has served as the Territory 16 Alumni Lead since 2022 and on the Alumni Association National Committee, he has labored as the Southern Territory Council Support Coordinator since 2019. Bill is masterful at connecting with council leadership, both with volunteers and professionals. Initially, half of the councils in the five territories were without organized alumni committees and now under his leadership, alumni relations have dramatically improved in a majority of those councils. Professionally, Bill has selflessly given a lifetime of service and leadership to the state of Florida in the area of emergency management.

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